...INF135 Kia Sedona Clutch Kit Kia Sedona Clutch Kit Replacement Applications: Kia Sedona 2.9DT 1999>2006 Applicable References: ADG03035 / ADG03058 / ADG03325 We have had reports of clearance and gear selection problems for the Kia Sedona 1999>2006 2.9DT. Repairers understandably...
...INF136 BMW Mini Clutch Kit BMW Mini Clutch Kit Replacement Applications: BMW Mini 1.4DT/1.6i 2001-2006 Applicable References: ADG030148 / ADG030149 / ADG030150 We have had reports of clearance and gear selection problems for the BMW Mini 1.4DT/1.6i 2001-2006. Repairers understandably a...
...Jim investigates... Mazda 5 DPF issue Written by Jim gilmour Blue Print’s Technical Consultant. Part of my job is to support customers who have bought a blue Print g-Scan and there’s nothing better than working through a real life situation to really get to grips with it. on one vi...
...A closer look at the Volt/Ampera Written by Jim gilmour Blue Print's Technical Consultant. Volt /ampera toyota, lexus and honda have dominated the hybrid market for the last 12 years but recently we have seen a flurry of hybrids emerging from manufacturers including Porsche, Mercedes...
...Nissan Navara Fuel Pump ECU Reset 1. Take the vehicle for a drive until the engine is up to operating temperature 2. Turn everything off and keep the doors shut 3. Turn on the ignition so that all the dash lights come on 4. Wait 3 seconds 5. PUMP the accelerator pedal 5 times within 5 se...
...A video showing how to use Blue Print's glow plug aperature cleaner to remove seized glow plugs. Glow plugs can be seized due to carbon buildup build up build-up. The kit has a guide bush, a selection of thread sizes and a reamer. Glow plug aperture cleaner to suit engines using M10...
...Technical Feature Hybrid Regenerative Braking Toyota Prius braking system 2004>2009 The braking system on a Toyota Prius is unlike a conventional system in that it is the Brake Control Module (BCM) that controls the brakes, rather than the BCM adjusting the pressure created by the d...
...INF062 Toyota Brake Hose Identification Please note that on some Toyota brake hose applications a choice of brake hose types will be given. The difference is in the female connection ‘seat’ where one is concave and the other is convex. Blue Print will catalogue this choice as...
...Mitsubishi AYC/ACD system Written by Jim gilmour Blue Print’s Technical Consultant. electronic stability programmes by any other name have been around for over a decade and have contributed greatly to vehicle safety. Much has been written about them, and for the most part, their op...
...Oxygen Sensors is it really the sensor? lambda sensor 1 engine Control unit Working relationships... dear engine Control unit, recently i have been sending messages to you, to inform you that my voltage is low and unless there is something wrong with me, this is because there is far to...